Read about current best evidence and philosophical frameworks for yoga and general health/wellness practices.
Warrior III Variations
The Rising Rates of Obesity - A Look at the Data
Viparita Karani - "Legs Up The Wall"
Yoga for Therapists
My Journey as a Yoga Teacher
Why EveryBODY Should Strength Train: 8 Evidence-Based Benefits
What is the Rotator Cuff?
Spinal Mobility - 6 Moves of the Spine
What does a Private Yoga Session Look Like?
What is Fascia?
All About Forward Folds
Does Caffeine Really Cause Dehydration?
What are Trans Fats and How Do They Affect the Body?
Vitamin B12 Supplementation - Does it Work?
Micronutrients - What are they?
Shut Your Mouth: Why Mouthbreathing is So Bad for You
Yoga and Low Back Pain Part IV - Yoga Practice Guidelines for Low Back Pain
Yoga and Low Back Pain Part III - What does the Evidence Say?
Yoga and Low Back Pain Part II - Causes, Correlates, and Consequences
Yoga and Low Back Pain: Part I - Anatomy of the Low Back Area